What a stupid idea! Madness!

When coming back from Germany, we said “We’re off to Spain/Portugal next – then where?”. As in Feb the weather is crap, we thought about simply going snowboarding. So started googling snowboarding, then looked on the map to see where the resorts were.

“Hmm – we actually almost pass Andorra and the Pyrenees on the way back, and oh look, there is a ski resort in Sierra Nevada just a few miles from Malaga……”

Only problem, is the van really isn’t winterised for really sub-zero temperatures.

– Installing pipe insulation
– Installing extra “loft insulation” in all the gaps
– Buying “frost heaters” and tank insulation for our fresh water tank
– Buying snowboarding trousers.

So currently, the van is in bits, the water tank is in the dining room, and we’re awaing delivery of the last lot of parts.

Hmmmmm. De Ja Vous from the last trip using the 11th hour to fit extra batteries!

Where do these stupid ideas come from!!?!?!

So maybe this year, Christmas on the beach, and New Year snowboading…..


3 thoughts on “What a stupid idea! Madness!”

  1. I have found your site today as I was researching getting from France to spain in January. We have just bought a good size motorhome and leave the uk headed for Malaga or thereabouts the first week of Jan next year. I will now be checking you site regulaly. We are a bit nervous as we have quit our jobs and are taking our three year old daughter

  2. Thanks Simon!
    You will love it – and I’m sure your kid will learn more from this than you may think! Look up “Europe in a motorhome” book – as this has details of people (in a huge van) with kids travelling round for a year.
    Whats the worst that can happen! 🙂

  3. Thanks, I have ordered the book. Just discovered that our van has leaked quite alot in the recent heavy rain so I will be on the roof with the sealant in the next few days. Have you crossed the border into spain yet? If so did you go over or round the mountains?

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