The cab doesn’t need many changes, which is a good job as sometimes you can see why the Nissan is a budget van. The head lining for instance is made of cheese and far too easy to damage, so glad we didn’t have any plans to take it all down. There is so little space for insulation above that its not worth it.
As the passenger seat will rotate we wanted a reading light above it. As the roof liner is naff, we made a wooden template behind and bonded it in (pulling it into place with wire). Once bonded, we fitted the light. The corners into the roof lining area were then stuffed with insulation.
To rotate drivers seat see
To make it look neat, we cut ply to match the headliner profile, insulated it and bonded it in place (with bonded corner supports) – this is then foil taped to the headliner. This is then carpeted from the roof to the curtain rail which will segregate the cab and habitation areas.
In the roof corrugations where are small voids, we have just used sealant to block these off – as we do not want “breath” (aka moist air) going in there as it’s not insulated and hence no vapour barrier. Maybe pedantic but that’s OK.
The curtain rail was described and fitted here
Dashcam installation
Once the bits are insulated and blocked, it was carpeted and lined up to the curtain rail. Some really complex 3d areas here so the lining not perfect,but overall its quite neat.
The only other planned cab changes are to do with the Diesel heater – see later.