NV200: More door lining

Click for: NV200 Campervan build index, Also all Necessary tools used. Full conversion spec here. All photos taken during build

What a hateful job!  But now all 4 doors are lined.

Word of warning – the doors with handles (OS & NS slider, and rear large door) leak internally.  We guessed this was the case as you can see light out, but in driving rain when I was lining the sliding door, water was “pouring in”.  Seems Nissan go for “let it in, and let it out again”.  So be very careful in these doors and do not insulate around the handle/mechs.

Fortunately I guessed this was the case when I did the OS slider, and just put foil bubble wrap loosely around the lock so any water that came in would run down to the drain holes.  But its more than you think!

See index and insulating/lining section for more tips

DSCN1450 DSCN1458 DSCN1459 DSCN1461 DSCN1464 DSCN1465

4 thoughts on “NV200: More door lining”

  1. Great job. You seem to have a plastic edging to the carpet around the windows etc. Do you mind telling me what that might be?

    1. Plastic tile edge trim stuck with contact adhesive.
      Its *ok* but I bet there is a better way! Maybe if you can cut carpet better than me, and glue neater than me, go without. Or if you find better trim let me know. Could do better here….

      1. I guessed that was what it was but was unsure as it must have taken a bit of cuttting to get a uniforn decent edge, especially on the tight corners. I have looked at different options as I think it is so difficult to get a neat carpet edge no matter how good my cutting skills are. I have some samples of thin rubber U edging on their way to me which “may” be a solution, I will let you know how I get on.

        1. Please do!
          Just FYI, I used rubber trim on other bits, and getting it to stick wasn’t great – my contact-adhesive just refused to stick to it. But, if you’ve got rubber trim that you can stuck, I reckon that’ll be 10x better – so looking forward to hearing. Good luck

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