Fitting Thule Omnistep electric step

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Well, fitting an electric step is the first drilling of the van… We would not have installed this early but Mels foot issues means she can’t get in without help – so step had to go on first. Electrically, just bodged with a PP3 battery until the 12v system is installed

We bought a Thule Omnistep 400 from Magum with Ducato fitting kit many moons ago and its stayed in the loft since.

Quite an easy job really, couple of hours max – if you expect a couple of issues:-

1 – the fitting kit may not be for the correct side of the van, ours was most definitely for an offside door, not nearside. But, a couple of 8.5mm holes in drilled into the bracket and all is good

2 – the retaining nuts (sort of like rivnuts but without the need for a tool) don’t fit into the chassis holes, we needed to enlarge from 11.5mm to 13mm, then treat with Zinc 182 then they worked fine.

3 – the plastic end brackets did not fit. The step was too high on the lip and the curve of the van stopped it fitting. I had to cut off the top edge of the brackets and make neat after (cost 1hr of buggering about!)


1 – mask the body so that if you slip when drilling (or when you “complete” a hole and slip forward) you don’t take off the paint! (Another YT video did just this. 3x).

2 – When you hold the silver triangular brackets, at the front of the lip, *CONSIDER* lowering 1-2mm and not hold them as high as possible. This will help with the plastic bracket fitting . Your van may be different!!!!!!

Overall, a nice solid install, and quite pleased how it went.

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