Our design was always not to use the cab seats, which many told us was wrong. But not using them allows us to have an uncompromised L shaped sofa, convertible to U sofa, and convertible to bed. Everyone is different, this works for us, and its probably the most snug…
11 weeks in. Getting tough now, pretty much full time on it – so lots of hours! Couple of disasters – make worktop and fitting the top laminate and the wind caught it and stuck wrong… Damn it. (also buggered the spare). Had to buy new ply (expensive lightwight stuff)…
8 weeks in. We’re knackered lol. We’ve been pretty much full time at it, and for sure, there are quicker/simpler ways to build than the way we are doing it. Its a balance! In summary, in weeks 6-8 we’ve done:- Front bulkhead made (with removable door) Offside window completed Water…