We have the following POI files hosted by us:-
- Caravan Club GPS POIs inclduing club sites, certified sites/CLs and abooad sites (2012 data) click here
- Camping and Caravanning Club GPS POIs including club sites, certified sites/CSs and Listed sites (2012 data) click here
- 2012 Aires, Bordatlas, ACSI and Camping cheques in Autoroute and TomTom format – click here
- Municipal Campsite in France and a few beyond (2,200) click here
- LPG / GPL / Autogas locations – click here (20,000+)
- FON Hotspot POI click here
- McDonalds locations (for free wifi) (5,700+) click here
- Caravan Club GPS POIs for sites and CLs click here
- Our own random finds – click here
- The above links are all informational about each download, but all downloads have been moved to a single page. Click HERE to get the free downloads
Other websites (from our links page) where POIs are hosted etc in various formats are here:-
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Lots of poi information, but somewhat dated.
Would you know if data canbe extracted from a poi map such as pubstopovers.
If so would be great for satnav.
Regards Graham
Hi Graham.
Yes, you are right these are dated. I stopped bothering with creating them when others seemed to take the batten but then they stopped. Also tech has moved on!
Now, I subscribe to a couple of sources: campingcarinfos – and I use their app ; Wildcamping.co.uk forum (for pub spots, we use a new pub maybe every couple of months) – and archies campings.
But so many commercial people doing it and overlaps, its a minefield!
Good luck