Our trip index with our known plans…

Only long trips (month+) are included here. We’ve had many more little trips of a week or two but they don’t really count as adventure trips!

Trips Complete:

  1. Trip 1: Holland & North and East Germany
    6 weeks, Oct/Nov 08
  2. Trip 2: Spain & Portugal including sun chasing and snowboarding! 
    7 weeks, Dec 08/Jan 09
  3. Trip 3: Italy & Switzerland
    7 weeks: Feb/Mar/Apr 09
  4. Trip 4: Scotland ish
    2.5 weeks: August 09
  5. Trip 5: France
    4 weeks: September 09
  6. Trip 6: South Germany, Austria and Hungary to Budapest
    4 Weeks: Nov/Dec 09.
  7. Trip 7: Holland, North Germany and Denmark
    8 Weeks: Sep/Oct 09.
  8. Trip 8: Snowboarding & Sahara (France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco)
    19 Weeks: Dec 10/April 11
  9. Trip 9: Mountain biking in the Alps, plus France general
    8 Weeks:  June-August 11
  10. Trip 10:  Backpacking around SE Asia
    120 days:  November 11-March 12
  11. Snowboarding in French Alps again 🙂
    6 weeks: Jan-March 2013
  12. Mountain biking in French Alps again 🙂
    6 weeks: July-August 2013

Where we’ve been

(Up to 2011 when I got bored of editing AutoRoute!)


Planned and going to happen:

  • Trip ?: France and some more French Med? weeks? August/September 10

Trips to do:- (no specific order)

  • Czech Republic, Slovakia
  • Slovinia, Croatia, Bosnia etc
  • Poland
  • Iceland & Scandanavia
  • And not forgetting UK Lakes, Scotland, Dales etc

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