2010 Aires / ACSI / Camping Cheque / Bordatlas GPS


Autoroute 2010 & TomTom Download File

When we go away I always tend to scour the internet for all the GPS points of interest I can for aires and some sites and combine them together in a single Autoroute file in order to help with our route planning.

** I DO NOT PROFESS TO HAVE CREATED ANY OF THIS DATA – MEERLY COMBINED IT **.  I don’t think this is an issue, but if any of the data owners think it is then please let me know immediately and I will remove this file.  All of the data sources are listed on our links page http://www.doyourdream.co.uk/resources-downloads/useful-links/ 

You will need Autoroute 2010 in order for this download to work, so don’t download this file without it as you won’t get the POI groupings etc. If you don’t have it you can get it from Amazon as well as other places 

Free Download

The download file contains the GPS POI for the following:-

  • Bordatlas 2010 (including page numbers to allow book reference)
  • Aires de Service (verified)
  • MH Parking
  • Ares de Service (non verified)
  • Aires on campsites
  • ACSI 2010 sites
  • Camping Cheque 2010 sites



We use the file in conjunction with books, for instance the file will tell you the page to look at in Bordatlas for the aire you are looking at. And the Aires books give you more details than the download.  So for a more informative life, fine the aire in the overall database then refer to books for details.  (books NOT necessary, just useful!)



We use and recommned Autoroute 2010 (the cheaper version) for your laptop  If you want to have GPS tracking and navigation on your laptop, the Autoroute 2010 GPS comes with a GPS receiver.  (Or buy the cheaper one and a serparate USB/Bluetooth GPS receiver from eBay).  We also use an excellent TomTom XL with IQ routes and full maps for Europe and beyond.  We could not survive without Tommy!



Download is provided as-is along as my bandwidth allows!  No support is given.  Autoroute 2010 only.  I cannot convert this to any other format. The download file is around 2Mb and is ZIPPED, the file is 6.5Mb unzipped.

Data Sources

The sources for this data is on my links page, but includes the following.  Suggest you look at these sites directly to get the data in other formats.

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There are around 15,500 POIs included in this database which is quite huge! 

Below is a SMALL section of the south cost of France near Spain and you can see how many things there are!  (Click image to zoom)

4 thoughts on “2010 Aires / ACSI / Camping Cheque / Bordatlas GPS”

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